What we do
* New build/ Renovation
* Space planning
* Cabinetry Design
* Colour Consulatation
* Furniture selection
* Artwork and accessories
* Flooring
* Lighting
* Kitchen and Bathroom Design
* Window furnishings
* Project management and install
How we work
We start the process with a free no obligation consultation to discuss your project and identify what it is you are wishing to achieve. This meeting will preferably be held on site and will take approximately 1hr.
This is where we will discuss the scope of work, proposed fees and timeline for the project.
From here we:
* Finalise the scope of work
* Agree on fees
* Develop a timeline for the project
* Agree on a budget
* Start with design ideas, concepts, Mood boards etc.
* Finalise design concepts and documentation
* Implement final design choices